
some more是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

some more

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1.再来一些 how often 隔多久一次 4. some more 再来一些 5. at the end of the term 在期末 7. ...

2.更多一些 15. too much homework 太多作业 18. some more 更多一些 20. for whom 为谁 ...

3.更多 increasing adj. 不断增长的 some more 再来一点,更多 something 某事,某物 ...

4.另外一些的 155. play a beautiful piano piece 演奏了一首优美的钢琴曲 156. some more 另外一些的 186. leave for--- 动身去某地 ...

5.再来一点 increasing adj. 不断增长的 some more 再来一点,更多 something 某事,某物 ...

6.一些更多的 other:adj. 其他的 其余的 some more一些更多的 extra:adj. 额外的 ...

7.再多一些 谈论某事 talk about sth 再多一些 some more 勾掉 tick off ...

8.再多一些的 2. less than … 少于…… 1. some more再多一些的…… 8. each of us / them / you 我们/他们/你们 每个人 ...


1.(you can see it like some sort of shape - head - hands. ) Take a look and maybe you can figure out some more of it.(你可以看到它像某种形态-头-的手中。)看看,也许可以找出一些更多的。

2.He called me the next day and I told him that I did not sleep well and my sickness got worse. He responded that I needed to rest some more.他第二天打电话给我,我告诉他我没睡好,而且病情愈来愈严重,他回答说我需要多休息。

3.To continue the journey for some, more than behalf of a strong sense of acceleration is always looming .继续一段旅程后,一种比上代强劲的加速感总是隐约出现。

4.Okay, we're sending someone right now, but I'm going to ask you to stay on the phone with me to get some more information.好,我们马上派人去,不过请您先别挂电话再多告诉我们一些情况。

5.Then you can see your sons for a bit and do some more work after they have gone to bed.的话,你就可以看会儿你的儿子,还能在上床睡觉以后做更多的工作。

6."I've been trying to get some more but all the stocks have run out, " he said as he handed them over in fistfuls to desperate customers.“我在试图进更多货,但库存都已没了,”他说。与此同时,他正将一叠叠口罩递给焦急的顾客。

7.It is difficult for me to properly explain my selection on such a basis, but I'll think on it some more.我很难在这样的基础上正确解释我的选择,我会再想想的。

8.Unhappily married couples often get lots of advice and a report released recently offered some more: don't divorce, stick it out.婚姻不幸的配偶总能得到许多忠告,最近公布的一份报告中又有新的建议:别离婚,坚持到底。

9.Hey, listen, I'd like to talk some more, but I've got to get going now. It has been nice talking to you, though.对不起,我倒是还想聊,不过我该走了。很高兴和您谈话。

10.New playbooks are in the hands of the players, who've been informed to come to camp ready to run and grunt and run some more.新剧本儿就在球员们手中,他们被告知进入训练营要做好跑得气喘吁吁的准备。